
Welcome to my book review blog. I’ve spent quite a bit of time trying to tweak things so that I could get the blog to work as desired – in addition to my reviews, I also wanted to create a rating system so that I could rate my own books as well as link directly to Amazon. In addition, I wanted links to LibraryThing.com where I am attempting to (slowly) catalog all of my books. While I don’t have much, I do have a lot of books – I haven’t had TV for many, many years (who needs it?) and try to read as much as I can.

As visitors will notice, I have rather eclectic tastes but tend to read books on astronomy, computers, education, genealogy, kites, neurofeedback, learning theory, music, religion, and science with a smattering of fiction thrown in. In addition, I have an affinity for reading books on “the CULT” (mormons) as I have had many first hand experiences whereby my family has been negatively impacted by them (their PR campaign that they are “family oriented” is nothing less than a huge pile of bovine excrement – you get the idea). I consider the cult to be one of the most evil institutions on the face of the Earth. FYI, I was never, nor do I ever intend to became, a member of their cult. I do; however, have first-degree relatives who are. If someone is offended by my reviews, well, I guess that’s too bad.

It’s difficult to say what I’m going to be reading at any given moment – if you look through my reviews, you’ll find that I tend to bounce around through various topics. For example, I go through periods where I read books on computers, historical fiction and non-fiction books on fascinating topic such as Tibetan culture (really), early Christian history, and the use of sound for healing. Sure, some of these are a bit strange but that’s why I enjoy reading -it’s one of the few ways to escape from the everyday roller coaster of life.

I’ve long been a proponent of  unplugging the tube and opening a good book. There are simply too many interesting things to read.

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